Thursday, January 25, 2007

Week One...

A couple days ago I completed week one of my Art Journal Journey that I am joining Emily on! I wrote about it approximately a week ago in my Lady in the Water post, but I won't revisit that again! Just watch the movie, OK? Alrighty then.

Ya know... I thought I had a deck of cards laying around the house. After all, who doesn't have a deck of cards laying around the house? Especially people like us -- whom get together with friends every Saturday night to play board or card games. I looked all over the place for a deck of cards that have been tattered and well worn that I could alter. My thoughts were that a well-used deck of cards would be perfect for this project! Am I right?

The only decks of cards I could find were these KEM playing cards and I don't think my hubby would appreciate me altering those. He got them a couple of years ago for his birthday and I guess after he received them, we threw out the "cheap" cards. Why on Earth we would do that, I don't know. My super-spidey senses should have told me that I would one day need them for this very project! But the world went on and I made a trip to my local Tar-jay to purchase a deck of brand new, not well-used, not tattered cards.

And... Ta-Da... this is my first week's journal card:

I hope that my cards get more creative as I go. I've never worked on a scale this small, but I have had the itch to for a little while now, so this was a lot of fun for me! I am looking forward to next week.

The details: The paper is WRMK, the ribbon is BG; I machine stitched the ribbon on; I hand stitched all the beading on.

Thank you, Emily, for this wonderful Challenge!!


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Getting tired of Winter already...

Usually I just absolutely love the Winter months. I love cuddling up on the couch with extra blankets, cocoa, the kiddos, a good book, maybe even watch a movie. I'm pretty much a home-body so I'm usually loving this time of year.

Well, here in Colorado, we got hit with some torrential blizzards in December and the snow still hasn't melted (it's the middle of January!). In fact, I'm guessing the snow on our front lawn is still 2 1/2 feet high.

And our roads are a totally different story. Our roads are driving. me. insane. For some reason, that I just do not understand, we technically don't live within the city limits, even though we live 3 houses away from a public elementary school. Because of this, we don't get our roads plowed. And every single senior citizen in the neighborhood feels that they cannot drive over 7 MPH! They don't want to get their cars dirty! Ahhhh!!! (Don't get me wrong. I love our senior citizens. I even help them shovel their driveways.) And because we live 3 houses down from an elementary school, our street gets a lot of traffic. Is it necessary for them to drive down our street? No. Our street is not THE main street to get to the school. But these people must think it's a short cut or something! Well it's NOT people! It's. simply. not. It makes it 300% more difficult when the residents of this street are trying to get out or in and have to pull over so you can take your so-called short cut! Get a clue!! Argh!

Calgon... take me away.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A bedtime story of old...

Last night, my hubby and I pay-per-viewed M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water. What an incredible film! Well, I am a huge fan of M. Night Shyamalan, so my review may be a bit biased. However, I will say... YOU MUST SEE THIS FILM! You laugh, you cry, you cheer... and of course, in true Night fashion, you may get startled. Nothing too severe. I promise!

Unfortunately, I am one of those unlikely people that can predict certain events in movies and television before they actually happen. It is a very annoying trait to have for myself and anyone who happens to be sitting next to me. I will not spill the beans for you... as long as you promise to watch thIS MOVIE!!

Okay... So I think I've annoyed you enough with this whole Lady in the Water thing. I won't mention it again.

Lately I have been making myself write more. Whether it's just jotting down pointless little notes in my planner or a scrap piece of paper, emailing friends, weblogging (typing and then deleting because obviously I'm not blogging!!!), writing out my menu for the week, making out my grocery list, or writing out my to do list. A journal has also been on my mind lately. I once heard this wonderful Lady, her name is Oprah by the way, mention that a Journal is wonderful for your soul. Write it in pen, and do not edit it -- no scribbling things out, no re-thinking what you're writing: Just write.

Currently, there exists this Art Journal Challenge that I have been considering participating in. However, I have seen some of the other participants' work, and I'm a little intimidated. This is not a competition of any sort... I was just completely WOWed at other's art! I will most likely start on my deck of cards tomorrow or the day after.

All this blogging has made me thirsty. I think I'm ready for a nice glass of Water.


Thursday, January 11, 2007


Wow! Okay. . . So, I'm new to this whole blogging thing and I must confess that I am a bit intimidated by the whole thing. I've been thinking about doing this for well over a year now, but I just didn't want to suck it up and do it!

Why? For one, I'm a very shy person, though I'm trying to break out of my shell, and wasn't too sure about putting my life out there on the 'net for all to read. I know, I know... I don't have to write about anything I don't want you to read, right? Right! So perhaps I won't be posting about my arse...

Well now, here I am: doing the whole blogging thing. We'll see how it goes. I am still in the drafting stages of setting it up. I picked a title. (What do you think, by the way?) I spent a few hours today designing my banner and getting it posted -- boy, was that frustrating! I was thinking about re-doing it, but I don't think that will happening for awhile -- maybe after my laptop comes back from being repaired and I could sit comfortably in the livingroom and keep an eye on my 5 year old to make sure he's not spreading peanut butter all over the dog.

Anyhow, since it is a new year I wanted to start it with a new beginning: My new weblog!

Welcome. :o)
